
Generate Swiss UFI Codes for Chemical Products

From 2022, the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) has introduced the unique formula identifier (UFI) to reliably identify chemical products and their composition. This enables doctors at Tox Info Suisse to swiftly identify chemical products, their composition, and to recommend the appropriate measures. Chemical preparations, biocidal products, and fertilizers that are classified as hazardous based on their health and physical effects must have a UFI.

What is the UFI requirement for Switzerland?

The unique formula identifier (UFI) has to be reported in the Swiss product register and must be indicated on affected products. The Swiss requirements for affixing the UFI on products comply with the requirements of Annex VIII of the EU CLP regulation to enable ease of trade.

Do note that the scope of the data to be reported in Switzerland differs from that in the EU. For more information see, this notice from the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health regarding Information on obtaining UFI for chemical products.

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Not sure where to start?

Managing Swiss UFI with SAP® Product Safety Software

If you're already using a software to manage UFIs and notification to the EU Submission Portal, we have good news for you!

The Swiss authorities will accept UFIs created for the EU. Yes, it is possible to reuse UFIs you created for the European Economic Area (EEA) market to register your chemical products in Switzerland.

Do note that the European Chemical Agency (ECHA) does not accept UFIs created with the Swiss UFI generator. This is because the UFI compliant with the EU must be created with the VAT number of a member state of the European Economic Area (EEA). Switzerland is not part of the EEA.

Generate Swiss UFIs

  • Generate UFIs for your mixtures that are placed on the Swiss market
  • Create dossiers in the required XML format

Submit Notifications to Swiss RPC

  • Register chemical products en masse
  • Download dossiers from your SAP system and upload them to the Swiss Chemical Product Register

Monitor Notifications

  • Easy to access an overview of sent notifications
  • Manage and track the status of your notifications

Using SAP® Product Safety to Generate Swiss UFI and Product Notifications

Are you using SAP® Product Safety? opesus' Swiss BAG Notification solution enables you to leverage your existing processes running in SAP. Create UFIs for product registration in Switzerland for your chemical products.

The opesus solution for Swiss BAG Notification is a comprehensive solution that supports the end-to-end process of submitting notifications to the Swiss Chemical Product Register in the format prescribed by the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH).

The solution runs within your SAP® Product Safety (formerly SAP® EH&S) solution.

With our software you can do the following within your SAP® system:

  • Generate unique formula identifiers (UFI) for your chemical products for Switzerland
  • Synchronize UFIs for your products for Switzerland with the EU Poison Center Notification format
  • Automate the creation of product notifications in the required XML format
  • Register products en masse using the mass registration interface
  • Automate product notification status and CPID number updates by importing the Swiss RPC product list
  • View all required data within a dedicated property tree for the Swiss product notification format
  • Manage user access for creating and changing product notifications

Your Benefits

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Efficiently Manage Product Notifications

  • Save time by leveraging process automation for generating notifications
  • Maintain full control by approving and submitting generated notifications
  • Easily identify data gaps with validation rules and checks
  • Synchronize the generation of products and UFIs for the PCN format and Switzerland

Stack of documents with a padlock

Protect Confidential Business Information

  • Configure system to generate different UFIs for products that use the same formula
  • Generate UFIs using different company keys or VAT IDs
  • Use CPID (unique Swiss Chemical Product Register ID) instead of full composition to communicate compositional information to your customers

Growing sustainably

Cost-Effective TCO

  • opesus EPN runs within your SAP Product Safety system
  • Extensive out-of-the-box mapping for various content providers such as 3E (formerly SAP ERC)
  • Software can be configured to meet your requirements without modifications
  • Updates are provided to ensure compliance with regulation changes and SAP / content updates

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