
LoA Market: Sharing Registration Data

Data Sharing Made Easy, Efficient, and Affordable

LoA Market streamlines data sharing by connecting chemical registration data providers with other companies. Data providers upload data such as studies and chemical safety reports on LoA Market. Companies can then buy letters of access (LoA) to these data.

Watch the demo!


Improved operations, save time and money

Improved operations

opesus takes care of all the administrative tasks, including managing contracts, invoices, providing customer support, and handling payments.


Completely self-service

Effortlessly upload and update data and collaborate with other data providers.

Transaction Docs and Invoice

Attractive & Transparent Pricing

Data providers do not have to worry about any onboarding costs. Buyers, on the other hand, can enjoy a fair and transparent service fee for each data package they purchase.

Data Sharing on a Global Scale

In the past few years, there's been an increase in the global adoption of REACH-like legislation. This includes:

  • Korea REACH or K-REACH
  • Taiwan Toxic and Concerned Chemical Substances Control Act (TCCSCA)
  • Türkiye KKDIK

Data sharing is now required on a global scale. This brings new challenges for managing data and cost sharing. Thus, companies need to scale their processes significantly.


Why should I upload my data to LoA Market?

Does this sound like you? You...

  • are spending a lot of time on administrative work such as contracts, payments, invoices, answering inquiries about price, etc.
  • are worried about compliance risk such as trade sanctions

  • waste a lot of time and money for onboarding and updating data on other platforms

LoA Market will make data sharing easy, efficient, and affordable!

Get in touch with us to get started!

Covered regulations
Growing sustainably

Pricing and Service

LoA Market is committed to keeping data sharing as simple as possible.

opesus handles the contracts, invoices, and provide comprehensive support to ensure a secure and reliable transaction environment.

For data providers,

  • No onboarding costs! We have created a self-service user interface where you can upload your data packages to LoA Market on your own.

For buyers of letters of access,

  • A fair and transparent service fee - 1000€ fixed fee is applied per purchased data package

Ready to share your data?

Contact Us!

or visit loa-market.com