opesus EHS Product Notification 4.3 - Swiss BAG & EU PCN Formats
We’re happy to share with you that the latest release of opesus EPN, version 4.3, is now available. Here’s a look at some of the new and improved features for customers using EPN with the EU PCN format and the Swiss BAG format.
PCN: Support for PCN Format 4.0
ECHA released the latest poison centre notification (PCN) format 4.0 on Oct 25, 2021. The PCN format structures information in accordance with CLP Article 45, Annex VIII. This format is based on IUCLILD 6. With EPN version 4.3, notifications are now generated in this new format. For more information about the format, see https://poisoncentres.echa.europa.eu/poison-centres-notification-format
PCN: Submit Notifications for Kits
With the update of the PCN format, it is now possible to link components of a kit. A kit contains a set of mixtures, where each mixture is in a separate container, but are purchased together. Companies placing multi-component products, i.e., sets or kits, on the market must provide a unique formula identifier (UFI) for each component mixture in separate submissions.
The latest release of opesus EPN provides configurations for you to identify and map kits and sets for submission to the ECHA Submission Portal.
BAG: Submit Notifications for Biocides
Besides notifications for preparations, you can now also submit notifications for biocides. The data points and component information for submission of preparations, biocides, and substances, differ slightly. Customers of our BAG format can find out more about the different data requirements in the latest product documentation: Required Data Points for Notification of Preparations, Biocides, and Substances.
Join us at our latest release webinar (only for existing customers): register here.