opesus EPN PCN & Swiss BAG Format – Version 4.2
We are proud to announce that the latest version of opesus EHS Product Notification, version 4.2, is now available! This new release brings with it improvements and features for our customers in the process industry. Besides new features for the poison centre notifications, we also included updates to the Swiss BAG format due to the upcoming compliance date for the new Swiss UFI requirement.
Here’s just a brief snapshot of new features available with version 4.2:
BAG: Support for Swiss UFI, Status and CPID automatic update
From January 1st, 2022, a unique formula identifier (UFI) is required for mixtures placed on the Swiss market. More information is available here.
With the latest release of opesus EPN, the Swiss BAG format has been updated to support the notification of UFIs. For companies already submitting dossiers for Poison Centre Notification (PCN), it is possible to synchronize the UFI generated for PCN to be used in Switzerland as well. This is because a UFI generated for PCN purposes, also referred to as the EU UFI, can be re-used in Switzerland as well.
Switzerland, in contrast to ECHA’s PCN submission portal, only supports a manual notification process. Notifications need to be manually uploaded into the Swiss Product Register for Chemicals (RPC). EPN version 4.2 helps you to effectively manage the notification response process by importing the RPC’s product list. The import helps you to correctly set the submission status and the CPID of your Swiss notification.
PCN: Support for Reporting Mixtures as Fuels
Fuels placed on the market usually conform to a technical standard and/or technical specifications. These standards and specifications provide requirements in terms of chemical compositions of petroleum products. Different batches of fuel may have sufficiently different chemical compositions, even though they are considered the same per industry standards.
The latest release of opesus EPN supports notification for fuels as per the Annex VIII guidelines. It is allowed to submit compositional information of fuels as contained in the safety data sheet. From data maintenance through the PCN ruleset and generating the dossier for submission to the ECHA submission portal, you can now use opesus EPN to manage notifications for fuels.
PCN & BAG: New and improved process automation features
Process automation increases efficiency for handling notifications such as PCN or BAG. The system can identify which products are affected by the requirement and even submit notifications to the authority automatically – up to you to decide the extent of automation.
With this latest release, even more improvements have been made to process automation options for the poison center notifications. Because opesus EPN also supports the BAG format, process automation has also been enabled for that. The most common triggers such as sales order and safety data sheet (SDS) release can now be used as the starting point for triggering automatic creation of notifications for the Swiss BAG format.