
EPN SCIP EHSM Integration – Version 1.4

opesus EPN EHSM Integration Version 1.4

We are proud to announce that the latest version of opesus EPN SCIP EHSM Integration – version 1.4 – is now available! Here’s what’s new!

Complete Alignment of EPN and SAP EHSM

With this latest release of opesus EPN EHSM integration, the structure of product-related content can flow back and forth from EHSM to EPN and from EPN to EHSM.

SAP EHS Management (or SAP Product and REACH Compliance) is a product compliance solution responsible for managing compliance-related content, which often includes a full material disclosure, also referred to as FMD.

opesus EPN uses content from SAP EHSM and identifies when a substance of very high concern (SVHC) is present within a component or product and creates articles or assigns appropriate substances with their concentration ranges.

IMDS 13.0 and SCIP Database

Companies and suppliers in the automotive industry often use the IMDS (International Material Data System) platform. With version 13.0 of IMDS, SCIP-related fields were introduced such as: Safe Use Instructions, EU Production Flag, Material Mixture Category, etc. As a result of this update, SAP extended the data model in SAP EHSM to be able to store these attributes. Naturally, the latest update of opesus EPN ensures that these attributes are in sync between SAP EHSM and opesus EPN. This means that changes done in opesus EPN that are relevant for SCIP, will also be updated in SAP EHSM ensuring data consistency.