
opesus Releases Free UFI Generator for SAP EHSM

setup for mixtures

opesus just released opesus UFI Generator for SAP® EHSM. All SAP EHSM customers can download it for free under the MIT-License.

EU Poison Centre Notifications: New “UFI” Required by 2020

ECHA introduced a Unique Formula Identifier (UFI) that will be required for all hazardous mixtures placed on the EU market (CLP Article 45). Any hazardous mixture intended for consumer use must adopt this format by 2020. Products for professional use have a deadline of 2021, and products for industrial use must adopt UFI by 2024.

UFI’s are a unique code that is generated by the EU manufacturer or importer, registered with the Poison Centre, and must be printed on the label. The UFI allows Poison Centres to accurately, effectively, and efficiently respond to inquiries.

Visit the ECHA website for more details, including a web-based UFI generator.

UFI Generator for SAP EHSM

The opesus UFI Generator automatically creates the UFI in SAP EHSM systems. The program is designed to save time and effort by integrating UFI generation directly into the SAP system.

Learn more and request your copy