opesus EHS Product Notification (EPN) Version 4.4

We are proud to announce that the latest version of opesus EHS Product Notification, version 4.4, is now available! This new release brings with it improvements and features for submitting information to the ECHA Submission Portal and EU SCIP Database.
General Improvements to EPN
ECHA System-to-System Connection
ECHA released a new version of its system-to-system (S2S) interface in July 2022. This change will enable companies to submit notifications for the C&L Inventory via S2S in the future. However, this also means that companies have to keep their S2S interface version to either of the two latest versions that ECHA supports.
EPN 4.4 automatically supports an up-to-date S2S version that is supported by ECHA. For companies that may not be able to update their EPN version quickly, we delivered two additional options to update their S2S interface version without requiring a full EPN software update.
Multiple Users Working In Parallel
Multiple users can now work with EPN in parallel more seamlessly. For this purpose, we developed a new concept of locking notifications. Multiple users can now display the same notification data. If one user makes a change, the changed data will be visually highlighted for the other users.
Value Lists
Value lists can now be maintained within the EPN configuration. Most notification formats define certain lists of allowed values for each data field. These lists are now available in the software delivery for the notification formats supported by EPN. In this way, configurations can be handled more easily and correctly, especially for complex notification formats such as Poison Center Notifications (PCN) and C&L Inventory.
EPN 4.4 for EU C&L Inventory
With EPN Version 4.4, notification to the C&L inventory are now supported. We collaborated closely with several companies that were interested to cover their C&L notifications with EPN. Based on these discussions, we developed and delivered key functionalities for a smooth and straightforward notification process:
- A new property tree displaying all the relevant data points for C&L notifications.
- Creating of notification files in the IUCLID-based C&L format.
- Notification management to maintain reference and submission number
- Support of notification updates in a way that can also integrate previously submitted C&L notifications
If you're interested in covering your C&L Inventory notifications with EPN, contact us.
EPN 4.4 for Swiss BAG and EU PCN
More improvements to process automation are available with the latest version of EPN. We often see product names or other data that is relevant for notification being maintained as material master data. This means that any additional specification-to-material assignment might require notification updates. EPN can now be set up in a way that new specification-to-material assignments are monitored. In case of relevant changes, the system can automatically create or update a notification request.
EPN 4.4 for EU SCIP Database
Here's a brief look at the new features available for SCIP reporting with version 4.4:
Performance Improvements
New performance improvements in areas such as process automation, submission update, and validation recursion are available with the latest release. This further ensures that a large volume of data can be generated during everyday business and that all relevant information for SCIP Database reporting is up to date.
SVHC Substitution
With the new EPN Version 4.4, we are now able to handle the elimination of all components containing SVHCs from a Complex Object. EPN rolls up the information from the Articles-as-Such to the upper levels of the product structure and makes a notification from the free-from SVHC product automatically.