
Majority Of ECHA PCNs Submitted With opesus EPN

 first million poison centre notifications

ECHA announced a significant milestone for Poison Centre Notifications (PCN) and the use of the PCN format by the industry: At the end of June 2021, just six months after the compliance date, the one-millionth poison centre notification was successfully submitted to the ECHA Submission Portal.We, at opesus, are proud that the majority of the submitted poison centre notifications were created and transmitted to ECHA using our solution - the opesus EHS Product Notification for PCN format.

We currently support 75 customers with submitting PCN dossiers to ECHA. For some of our bigger customers, we asked them for the number of notifications they've submitted so far. 10 of our customers account for over 50 % of all notifications successfully submitted to ECHA. The other 65 probably contribute a good chunk in addition to that. This means that more notifications were done by opesus EPN alone than all other channels and tools combined! This makes us very proud!

Everyone involved had put in a lot of effort and dedication to make this happen. We are happy about the availability of high quality data and the positive impact it will have for emergency health response. Especially when the ECHA is raising awareness among consumers about the unique formula identifier (UFI). 

ECHA certainly deserves a lot of praise too. It has been truly a pleasure to work with the colleagues at ECHA. All of them put a lot of heart and soul into their work, making the success of their system possible.