VDMA Information Day – SCIP
The German industrial group for mechanical engineering (VDMA: Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau) conducted a virtual information day for its members on August 27th regarding the SCIP database. We were honored to have had the opportunity to present to the group about our SAP-based solution for SCIP.
The information day was structured around three themes – the foundation of the SCIP database, data management, and practical examples. About 200 participants attended the virtual event. The first part of the event focused on the challenges of the SCIP requirements, especially for SMEs. Other topics included the implementation of the new requirement into national law and the difference between REACH Art. 33 requirements and SCIP requirements. Presentations on practical examples highlighted the challenges, success factors, and fields of action for handling SCIP requirements. Before ending the information day, questions could be addressed to a pool of experts.
The VDMA is one of Germany’s largest trade associations with around 3,300 members. It represents the common economic, technical and scientific interests of the mechanical engineering industry. The VDMA has been active for more than 128 years (founded in 1892). For more information, visit https://www.vdma.org/en/