Software for Creating SCIP Notifications
Under the Waste Framework Directive (WFD), the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has developed the SCIP Database designed to capture information on articles containing substances of very high concern (SVHCs) on the REACH Candidate List. This requirement of submitting information poses a significant challenge to companies to efficiently comply with their reporting obligations. We are excited to announce that our software, opesus EHS Product Notification, will support companies that are required to submit notifications to the SCIP database.
SCIP Database in a Nutshell
SCIP stands for Substances of Concern In Products. ‘Products’ means any article or complex assembly that is manufactured in, or imported into the EU. Any EU manufacturer, importer of record, or only representative has an obligation to report to SCIP. ‘Substances of Concern’ refers to the REACH SVHC Candidate List. Any product that contains any REACH SVHC substance above the threshold in any article (according to the REACH O5A definition) needs to be reported to SCIP. Companies placing products onto the EU market are obliged to provide information by January 5, 2021.
The information in the SCIP database is intended to help waste operators in sorting and recycling articles that contain SVHC. Furthermore, it provides support to consumers to make informed choices and consider how to best use and dispose of such articles.
A Complex Requirement that Requires an Integrated Solution
Companies will need a SCIP reporting solution that not only handles the high complexity of the SCIP reporting format (IUCLID dossier) but can also react to the various events that trigger a reporting obligation. SCIP reporting will certainly need to be considered during a new product introduction to capture initial submissions for new products. However, the major effort to comply with SCIP will be keeping the submissions up to date. Scenarios such as engineering redesigns, changes within the supply chain, new market introduction for existing products, and updates to the REACH SVHC candidate list (new substances subject to reporting are typically added two times per year) all need to trigger a re-evaluation and possible (re)submission to the SCIP database.
The manufacturing, purchasing, sales, supply chain, and regulatory-driven change management can lead to an extremely high level of effort (or worse, non-compliance). Companies looking to remain in compliance as efficiently and accurately as possible will require a robust SCIP compliance solution that is tightly integrated into a company’s ERP solution.
Solution: opesus EHS Product Notification – SCIP Format
opesus EHS Product Notification (EPN) is a software solution that supports the end-to-end process of creating, submitting, and tracking product notifications for SAP customers. EPN is our flagship software that is trusted and used by over 50 companies, including 8 of the top 10 German chemical companies.
Based on its innovative and proven architecture, EPN will offer a new format – the SCIP format – dedicated to creating and managing notifications for the SCIP database. EPN runs natively in SAP. This means that it is tightly integrated into SAP solutions such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Sales and Distribution (SD), and EHS Management: Product Compliance (EHSM). EPN – SCIP Format will not only provide easy and accurate SCIP data management, dossier generation, and submission, but it is also uniquely positioned to enable effective change management through its tight integration with logistics processes. Coverage of a product’s entire lifecycle will enable companies to rely on EPN as the backbone for their SCIP reporting program.
- Are you affected by the upcoming SCIP requirements?
- Does your company run SAP?
If you answered yes to the above questions, contact us to learn how we can leverage your existing data wherever possible to produce to SCIP notifications directly within your SAP system.