ChemCon Americas 2020
ChemCon Americas was held in Philadelphia from March 2nd-March 6th. The five-day event was well-attended, bringing together experts from companies, authorities, and organizations. The presentations given by more than 50 speakers covered the global field of chemical regulations – from the Americas to Europe and to the Asia-Pacific region with representatives from the EPA, ECHA, and specific countries such as Colombia, Argentina, Malaysia, and industry organizations such as FCIO and more. On Monday, there were discussions on Poison Centre Notifications and the Waste Framework Directive which was most interesting for us. ChemCon provides a rare opportunity to discuss these regulations from the point of view of the government, as well as industry leaders.
Opesus at ChemCon
This was our first time exhibiting at ChemCon Americas, and we were very happy to be a part of this great conference! Our exhibition booth was hard to miss – right at the end of the buffet line. Everyone at the event saw us and we were very glad that many people decided to stop by and have a little chat with us. We featured our flagship product, opesus EHS Product Notification, supporting Poison Centre Notifications as well as the SCIP database. We loved the positive energy and how friendly everyone was.
This year, we also tried something new – we hosted a dinner on the last evening of ChemCon. Unfortunately, the restaurant that we booked was closed unexpectedly. We had to be spontaneous and had a great time!
The next ChemCon will be in London. Check out their website for more information.
If you didn’t have a chance to speak with us or would like to follow up with some of the conversations we had, contact us!