opesus Annual Donation 2018: Himalayan Stove Project

Every year at opesus, we pass on the Christmas cheer to those in need. Instead of gifting our customers opesus-branded goodies, we donate to a charity organization in their name. For 2018, opesus donated to the Himalayan Stove Project – an organization that is transforming the lives of residents in mountainous Nepal, one clean cooking stove at a time.
Why the Himalayan Stove Project? One of our fellow opesians chose this organization because of a personal connection and the impact it has on sustainable living. We like that something as simple as a clean-burning, fuel-efficient cook stove can have a huge impact on health and environment.
Most households in the mountainous trans-Himalayan region cook over open fire pits inside their poorly-ventilated homes. This method does not only consume excessive amounts of precious fuel, but it also pollutes the indoor air to dangerously unhealthy levels.
The donated cooking stoves reduces fuel consumption by up to 75%. In addition, the ventilation out of the confined space of a typical Nepalese mountain home reduces household air pollution by 90%, thus improving the health quality of its residents.
Check out www.himalayanstoveproject.org for more info.