Turn of the Year 2020/2021: Looking Back and Looking Out

Say what you want about 2020, but this year was special. It demanded strong nerves, flexibility, and creative thinking from everyone at opesus. Qualities that we cultivated before and always like to use. Nevertheless, we were forced to approach the year in a different way than we were used to. We look back at 2020 with some wistfulness about missed personal encounters and the limitations that we had overcome. On the other hand, we are happy about the things that we managed and implemented together despite the challenges – with success, fun, and our personal touch.
The opesus Conference 2020 Becomes an opesus Virtual Conference 2020
The opesus Product and Poison Centres Notification Conference became a virtual event. It may be common practice by now, but it was new territory for us at the beginning of 2020 – at least in terms of event size. We went in with some unanswered questions. Will it work out well to meet online with 150 participants? Can we guarantee a direct exchange between all participants? The positive feedback we received afterwards has shown us that we were able to meet these requirements. We would also like to thank all the speakers once again who invested their time and energy in informative presentations and in answering open questions.
Successful Launch of opesus EPN SCIP
In 2020, a lot of time and effort went into the development and optimization of opesus EPN for SCIP. The result is a solid solution that was launched in September and has since been used successfully by more and more companies. Through integration into SAP ERP, messages to the SCIP database can be managed completely within a company’s SAP system. We are pleased to be able to make a further contribution to the simplification of reporting processes and to support more sustainable action as a result.
opesus Company Culture – We Work, and We Live!
A new recruiting film made in September gives insights into the company culture at opesus. Various colleagues describe why it means so much to them to do valuable and good work at opesus. Their responses are rooted in the values which have accompanied opesus since it was founded in 2012: we enjoy having a good working atmosphere, a fair work-life-balance, and jobs that help to achieve something really positive in this world.
100 Customers Trust opesus
We were able to celebrate another milestone in the history of opesus in October 2020: our 100th customer. It makes us incredibly proud that so many great companies trust us. We often make ourselves aware of our reach through the following, already known, key figures: Our 100 customers together employ over 2.4 million people and generate annual revenues of more than 830 billion Euro.
A Look Ahead to 2021
The year 2021 will start with two very important dates for us and our customers. January 1, 2021 is the first compliance date for Poison Centre Notifications. On January 5, 2021 the obligation to notify the SCIP database starts. We are looking forward to the tasks and challenges involved and are glad to be your partner of choice, helping you achieve your goals in 2021 as well.
opesus Is Growing
We have many ideas for our products and clear goals that we will implement next year. But opesus will also grow with new employees, new cultures, fresh impressions and, above all, a lot of knowledge. So, 2021 has a lot of positive things to offer. The personal motivation of everyone is essential. Seeing how people grow with their tasks and responsibilities is what drives us and enables us to achieve our great goals together. This is reason enough to look forward to a new, good and successful 2021.
A Happy New Year
We wish you and your family, friends and acquaintances a Happy New Year. Stay healthy, take care of each other, be happy.