
opesus at Electronics Goes Green 2020

Electronic Goes Green 2020

We were presenting about the requirements for the SCIP database at the Electronics Goes Green 2020 conference. As the name goes, the Electronics Goes Green conference brings together all key players and stakeholders in the electronics and ICT industry.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Electronics Goes Green 2020 was moved online blending on-demand, pre-recorded presentations and a live event on 1st September. This allowed participants to tune in to as many presentations as they wished.

Opesus: The SCIP Database – Challenges, Strategies, and Recommendations

The EGG conference was organized along four focus areas: products, recycling, the circular economy, and regulations. Each of these focus areas contained four sub-categories. The presentation by Alexander Wegener, CEO of opesus, fell under the sub-category Regulation on Materials Level: RoHS, SCIP, CRM and was called The SCIP Database Under the Waste Framework Directive – Challenges, Strategies and Recommendations. In this presentation we showed how companies can set up a SCIP strategy that is tightly integrated into their core business processes.

About the Electronics Goes Green Conference

The Fraunhofer IZM has been organizing Electronic Goes Green conferences for 20 years. The conference is attended by the global community of scientists, product developers, business managers, and policy makers. The focus of the conference is on environment sustainability around hot topics such as digitalization, the circular economy, and emerging technologies.