opesus at the DHBW Info Day in Friedrichshafen

"What do you do?" was probably the most heard question when we presented ourselves at the DHBW study information day on November,16th in Friedrichshafen. With a lot of nice chats with different people, we were able to spread "what opesus does" a little further into the world and to possible future opesians.
Everyone who was not averse to the answer being "we do Software" got to hear the story of what makes working at opesus special and why opesus, in a broad sense, helps “saving children”. In specific sense: We develop software that helps companies notify their hazardous mixtures to appointed bodies in the EU. This information is used for example by national poison centers to provide information in cases of poisoning (estimated 60% of which happen to children).
Since many years, opesus is a dual partner of Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg (DHBW) in Ravensburg. We hence offer the possibility of combining practical and theoretical aspects while studying. Students can choose between the study programs Information Technology and Management Information Systems. During the state-wide study information day on November 16th, 2022, DHBW offered dual partners to present themselves to prospects at Campus Ravensburg and Friedrichshafen. Approximately 100 interested school students participated in the info day.
Ella and Joachim welcomed a lot of the participating students at the opesus booth on Campus Friedrichshafen. Besides school students, Ella and Joachim also had the chance to talk to people already studying and DHBW employees interested in opesus. The day showed that granola bars are a great conversation starter and that opesus also seemed to be appealing to mechanical engineering students.
Thank you to DHBW for the organization of the day and thanks to everyone who took the time to talk to us – it’s been great fun meeting you!
Check out our website for more information about dual studies with opesus or send us your application!