EHS Product Notification Version 4.6

We are proud to announce that the latest version of opesus EHS Product Notification, version 4.6, is now available! This new release includes the IUCLID format update to version 6.7 that is relevant for the formats C&L, PCN and SCIP. Additionally, we provide the following improvements and new features.
Process Automation
With EPN 4.6 we deliver a new trigger that is based on deliveries/stock transfer orders. This trigger is enabled for C&L, BAG and PCN notifications. For poison center notifications it complements existing triggers and covers the business process of importing mixtures from a non-EU plant to a plant in Europe as this is considered as market placement.
EPN 4.6 for Swiss BAG Notifications
The Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (Bundesamt für Gesundheit - BAG) updated the product register for chemicals multiple times to the latest version 4.3. With those recent updates, the contact information field of the BAG format has been re-structured and the value lists were updated. Opesus EPN 4.6 supports the newly structured contact information and includes the updated value lists.
EPN 4.6 for EU C&L Inventory Notifications
Since the introduction of notifications to the C&L inventory with EPN release 4.4 process automation was introduced with release 4.5 and continuously improved with EPN version 4.6. This latest version now also supports re-creating of C&L notifications in case of errors during process automation. E.g. if missing mandatory data was detected.
EPN 4.6 for EU PCN Notifications
With the 4.6 release, derogation from labeling requirements for special cases according to CLP Article 23., Annex I Section 1.3 are supported. Mixtures can be marked not to require hazard statements or not to require a signal word. The checks for hazard statements and signal word are skipped in such cases and valid dossiers are generated without hazard statements and a signal word.
EPN 4.6 for EU SCIP Database
With opesus EPN 4.6, new validation rules for obsolete ECHA article categories, material categories, and mixture categories have been added to the article details UI to avoid the sending of invalid dossiers. This has been necessary since ECHA updated their picklists and deleted previously accepted categories. If an old, now deleted e.g. article category, is still selected in the article object during the reprocessing of the dossier generation, the user will be informed and asked to update the corresponding entry.
ECHA added missing article categories to the corresponding picklist. These previously missing article category picklist entries might have been already maintained in the material master, but not taken over to the corresponding SCIP article object since they haven’t been valid according to ECHA. This release delivers the updated ECHA picklists and a report to reprocess the synchronization of article categories.
The document processing for BOMs has been improved. Performance improvements have been made to the evaluation of change documents. With this change, also the application log message handling in process automation was improved significantly.