Feedback Product & Poison Centres Notification Conference 2020

When we had to decide to cancel the conference in Frankfurt in order to switch to an online event, it was not easy for us. The personal exchange between customers, interested parties and partners is very important to us. As you know, our corporate philosophy is based to a large extent on precisely this personal and direct contact.
We are all pleased that the interest in our virtual conference was great and that we received a lot of positive feedback. It is simply fascinating to experience when a lot of work and the ideas of individuals become a harmonious whole – and when the outside world perceives it that way.
We would therefore like to summarize some of the results of the Mentimeter survey below. After two packed days it is understandable that not quite as many of the 140 participants took part in the survey.
How satisfied were you with the agenda?
We were very happy to see that this question was answered in the way we had imagined: mostly with “very satisfied” and “satisfied”, few “neutral”.
End of Day 1
End of Day 2
Any thoughts and comments about the presentations?
The presentations formed the core of our conference. We are very pleased that both the range of topics was very well received, and the contents were evaluated as relevant. The participants particularly liked the fact that the industry’s experience presentations provided an opportunity for comparison.
Here are a few selected answers:
- Great event of high quality. Thanks to the whole team – you did a great job. I look forward to the next conference – virtual or life (of course preferred)
- Everything was extremely interesting. Presentations were clear and well structured.
- Very useful!
- Thank you for making this online meeting possible. It was quite useful for upcoming update necessities and understanding new/adapted regulatory requirements
- thank you for organizing this conference. it must have been challenging to change from physical event to an online version. The content and topics discussed was very varied and useful and I did take away some action points for my own work. Congrats!
- Great sessions today, this was extremely beneficial for Lubrizol as we go into our implementation of EPN – Thank you
What did you like most about the event?
The versatility and quality of the presentations were mentioned particularly frequently. The expertise of the speakers and the relevance of the topics were highlighted. The organization of the entire event was very well received by many participants. Some feedback can be summarized with this statement from the survey: so much knowledge and competence in such a relaxed atmosphere.
We are very happy to pass on the thanks to our entire team – both for the presentations and the work “in the background”.
Here are a few selected answers:
- Good structure, Organization. Up to date
- The information in a whole: either regulatory or software
- the company cases and Mark Pfister
- The possibility to bring in own suggestions and needs, and the possibility to ask many questions and receive answers during the Conference.
- Quality of the presentations
- Considering the virtual circumstances, you have delivered a conference as if I felt physically present in the meeting room.
- The schedule and the sort sequence of the presentations and the little chocolates
- Very informative, transfer of deeper knowledge by a well-educated and engaged team
- The advice from practical experience and the tips & tricks.
- the Mentimeter was a very nice additional tool that I never saw before. Also, useful to see how other customers voted.
- Very well prepared!
- The in-depth knowledge of each of the opesians of all details of legislation and implications for different chemical partners