SAP EHS and Product Compliance Conference 2019

The SAP EHS and Product Compliance Conference at the SAP HQ in Newtown Square was a highlight this autumn. With around 200 people from all areas of the industry and very well attended presentations and lively discussions, we couldn’t have hoped for more.
opesus had two opportunities to present ourselves to partners and customers: First John Falk gave an overview of our software solutions in general. In the afternoon, he then gave a joint presentation together with Huntsman on how to use and leverage opesus EPN. This best practice presentation was very well perceived, and huntsman happily answered all the questions they received from the audience on timing, resource management, project planning and more.
All in all, the conference was – once again – a good opportunity for us to catch up with our many friends and former colleagues in the industry, to see what’s new, how our niche is evolving and which challenges we will face and solve together – and of course to build new connections.
We will definitely be back next year and are looking forward to new best practices and developments.